Deep geological storage

At ARQUIMEA we develop ad-hoc solutions for the study of the Deep Geological Storage (DGS) both in its experimental stage and for its final storage. We work as scientific subcontractors in the Deep Geological Storage programs of several European agencies.

About us

We help scientists carry on researching

Humanity has not yet found a solution for the last stage of high level waste management. The solution most favorable and safe by the technical community today is Deep Geological Storage. But there is not only one valid concep for Deep Geological Storage, each country develops a different design depending on their needs and capabilities. Therefore, the validation of the DGS concepts requires a very intensive R&D stage. Many of these R&D activities are carried out in underground laboratories such as Bure in France, Aspô in Sweden or Mont Terri in Switzerland, among others.

We collaborate with our technology and experience following the highest technological, environmental and safety requirements in different experiments around the world. Our solutions help scientists to further explore and determine the best solutions to ensure the long-term protection of people and the environment.

Our areas of activity include sensor networks and monitoring, data acquisition and communication systems, robotic inspection systems, buried wireless systems, completion of surveys and rad-hard electronics.


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