
We help top scientists develop and build their technologies through our engineering and production capabilities and expertise. We collaborate with the best researchers, research centres and universities around the world.

About us

We help researchers build their ideas

We have decades of experience working in the industrialisation of complex equipment for scientific projects, as well as the manufacture, assembly, integration and testing of high-performance electromechanical equipment, including mechatronic components. We also have the capacity to offer detailed engineering for the manufacture of customised equipment, and ad-hoc projects.

We apply our passion and technology to design and produce reliable, top-quality scientific equipment and instruments to further investigate the universe. Major observatories and research centres rely on us, such as CTA Observatory, Gran Telescopio de Canarias, IAC or Ciemat.

Our state-of-the-art machinery resources include an ISO-7 clean room, a thermal vacuum chamber and a precision assembly room.


Industrialisation of scientific prototypes

At ARQUIMEA we have decades of experience in the industrialisation of scientific prototypes for the astrophysics sector. This is a crucial process that transforms experimental concepts into viable and scalable products.

Through collaborations between researchers, engineers and industry, we optimise these prototypes, improve their durability, efficiency and production costs. The standardisation of components and the use of advanced manufacturing technologies are key. Thus, devices such as the cameras for the telescopes of the CTA observatory have been manufactured to the highest quality standards and within the deadlines and costs of the project.

Specific manufacturing projects for research centres

Discover our passion for astrophysics and innovation. We specialise in manufacturing, integrating, assembling and testing customised projects for research centres and universities, offering solutions adapted to the most demanding needs of the sector.

Our experience and cutting-edge technology allow us to develop accurate and reliable instrumentation for advanced studies, facilities and observatories. We work closely with scientists to transform their ideas into reality, driving the discovery and exploration of the cosmos.

Fabricación de instrumentos científicos y componentes

Contamos con décadas de experiencia en el diseño, fabricación, integración y test de instrumentos científicos y componentes electromecánicos de altas prestaciones.

Ponemos nuestro conocimiento y capacidades al servicio de investigadores, centros de investigación y universidades para construir los equipos necesarios para seguir investigando el universo con la máxima precisión y calidad.

Our clients

Contact with ARQUIMEAProgress has no limits

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