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    About the International Center of Excellence

    Accelerating the second quantum revolution

    QCIRCLE will demonstrate the impact that quantum can have on society by promoting advances in environmental issues such as emissions in industry or transportation, as well as early diagnosis of diseases, responding to European priorities and global challenges through research and innovation.

    This project stems from the European interest in deepening the four pillars of the second quantum revolution that make up the technological roadmap of QCIRCLE: sensors and metrology, algorithms and computation, communications and cryptography, and integrated photonics.

    The Spanish research center, ARQUIMEA Research Center has been selected within the European Union’s Teaming call to lead from its headquarters in Tenerife the QCIRCLE project, based on the creation of a Center of Excellence for the development and research of the most promising new quantum technologies.


    our partners

    Believing in the power of collaboration

    QCIRCLE will be supported as partners by some of the main players in quantum technology at European level, including the CSIC and its quantum technology platform QTEP (Spain), the University of ULM and its Institute for Quantum Optics (Germany), the UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing (UK) and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria).

    european support

    Cofunded by the European Union

    The European Union will co-finance the project with a budget of 30 million Euros for the next six years, of which half of the budget will be granted directly as a subsidy, while the other half will be contributed by national and regional governments, as well as private entities such as ARQUIMEA itself.

    This is the first time that Spain has been awarded a “Teaming for Excellence” call, which will provide a significant boost to the local and national innovation and science ecosystem by positioning the Canary Islands as a European enclave for quantum technology, a technology of the future that is not intensive in the consumption of natural resources and is easily exportable.

    Contact with ARQUIMEAProgress has no limits

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