Thermo-structural panels for space

Thermo-Structural Radiator panels are part of the satellite structure and radiate excessive heat. At ARQUIMEA we deliver fully equipped panels ready for integration with applications in telecommunications and in-orbit servicing, science, exploration, and Earth observation.

Technology for space applications

Thermo-structural panels for satellites

ARQUIMEA’s Thermo-structural panels are available with or without embedded Heat Pipes and they operate from monolevel to multilevel heat pipes network. Our panels are delivered fully equipped and ready for integration with all structural capabilities, Inserts, SSM as OSRs, Heatters, Harness and Thermistors.

Our panels are made of aluminum skins and aluminum honeycombs, withstanding extreme temperatures: from criogenic to high temperature. Their size can take up to 18 square metres. We have worked on large space missions as Intelstat 31, Jupiter 2, BRIsat, or Asiasat 9.

Key features of Thermo-structural panels for space

69 Units in orbit
And 50 units waiting to be launched
Diverse applications
Communicatios satellites, science, exploration and Earth observation.
In our own facilities
Technology for extreme conditions

Main features of our thermo-structural panels

Profiles off-the-shelf or custom.
Available with or without embedded Heat Pipes.
Power dissipation up to 6 kW panel with embedded Heat Pipes and up to 18 m2.
From -40ºC to 130 ºC.
Fixed panels or deployable panels.
Integration inserts and structural inserts, OSR, coating and thermal hardware.
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