Thermal and structural subassemblies for space

Turnkey solutions for thermally demanding systems like active antennas, cryogenic sensors, laser terminals and interplanetary exploration rovers.

Developments for space applications
Thermal systems for spacecrafts and satellites.

We have extensive experience in thermal and structural subassemblies for space to maintain the overall temperature to the required level but also to obtain the most adequate temperature distribution within the satellite or the spacecraft.

We have full capabilities to design, thermal and mechanical analyse, simulate, manufacture, integrate and test thanks to the combination of our own technologies of Panels, Structures, Mechanisms, Heat pipes, Loop het pipes, Thermal Switches and Thermal Hardware.

ARQUIMEA’s Thermal Systems are architectures with multiple radiators and multiple condensers. We have worked on large projects with the main space agencies and satellite operating companies in different international missions, such as MetOp SG, Sentinel 2, MTG, ExoMars, Hispasat 1E, EDRS-A, Sentinel 1A, Sentinel 2A, etc.

Key features of the Thermal and structural subassemblies

10 Units in orbit
18 Units waiting to be launched.
Temperature range
From cryogenic to high temperature applications.
Multiple applications
Telecommunications, Earth observation and exploration.
Proven technology

Our thermal and structural subassemblies include

Optical Telecommunications Laser Terminals Thermal Systems.
Spacecraft Modular Thermal Platforms.
Thermal Control Switches.
Thermal Systems for Low Noise Amplifiers.
Advanced Control Loops: multi-evaporator and multi-condenser hybrid LHPs.
Contact with ARQUIMEAProgress has no limits

Contact us, set us a challenge and discover everything we can offer you.

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