ARQUIMEA Research Center receives the visit of its partners in the European project A IQ Ready

December 10, 2024
  • They are members of the Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) (Germany) and the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI) (Latvia).
  • ARQUIMEA’s research center participates in the project with the development of a quantum sensor.

Last November 26th and 27th, ARQUIMEA Research Center, ARQUIMEA‘s research center, received the visit in its facilities located in the Scientific and Technological Park of Tenerife of several partners in the European project A IQ Ready, in which ARQUIMEA Research Center participates together with 49 other first level European institutions and companies.

Represented by Johannes Wesseler from the Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) (Germany) and Andrejs Cvetkovs and Rihards Novickis from the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI), the collaborators in the A IQ Ready project were able to see first-hand the work developed at the research center and to work on the pooling for later integration of the different components for quantum sensing that have been developed within task 5.4 corresponding to “Multi-modal, multi-physical quantum sensor integration”.

The quantum sensor to be developed by ARQUIMEA will have applications both in autonomous systems for search and rescue of the civil population and for the improvement of navigation safety in autonomous vehicles.

According to Johannes Wesseler, PhD student at FAU: “in this project we are more concerned about bringing the basic technology to the application than in other projects, and this would not be possible without the European Union’s initiative”.

The A-IQ Ready project is supported by the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) – the public-private partnership for research, development and innovation under Horizon Europe – and the national authorities under grant agreement no. 101096658.

From left to right: José Carlos Guerra (ARC), Julio E. Posada (ARC) Andrejs Cvetkovs (EDI) , Johannes Wesseler (FAU), and Rihards Novickis (EDI)
From left to right: José Carlos Guerra (ARC), Julio E. Posada (ARC) Andrejs Cvetkovs (EDI) , Johannes Wesseler (FAU), and Rihards Novickis (EDI)
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