Rosa Dávila, President of the Council of Tenerife, visits ARQUIMEA Research Center

October 31, 2023
  • The President of the Council of Tenerife got to know well the facilities and the R+D+i projects currently being developed at ARQUIMEA Research Center
  • This was created in 2020 for the development of disruptive technologies that will serve as an engine of socioeconomic growth in the medium and long term
  • The center, which has nearly 100 professionals, is located in the Nanotec building, in the facilities of the Science and Technology Park of the Council of Tenerife
  • ARQUIMEA is a spanish technology company which has been operating globally for more than 18 years in high-demand sectors


San Cristóbal de La Laguna, October 30th, 2023


The Council of Tenerife reinforces its commitment to the development in Tenerife of R+D+i projects that are a driving force for socioeconomic growth. In this sense, the president, Rosa Dávila, during her visit to the facilities of ARQUIMEA Research Center, the research center of the Spanish technology company ARQUIMEA, stated that “we are in a leading research center in the Canary Islands, which is private, but which is located in a physical space that belongs to the Council of Tenerife, which allows us to bring research and knowledge transfer closer to our society. We are talking about a center that employs local researchers who are able to develop these projects and who can also develop their own companies and innovative projects”.

During the visit, in which she was accompanied by Arquimea’s CEO, Manuel García-Sañudo, the president had the opportunity to learn in detail about more than 20 research projects on which the center is currently working.

Manuel García Sañudo expressed his gratitude for the Council’s interest in the work carried out at ARQUIMEA Research Center and explained that “we mainly develop four research areas which are very broad. We call it the four research orbitals: an artificial intelligence orbital, a quantum orbital, a biotechnology orbital and another orbital dedicated to robotics and mechanisms. Within each orbital, the president has seen several of the most significant projects that we have and are probably closer to becoming a reality in the market, to reach a practical use for the improvement of society”.

The center, which employs 73 researchers, including 30 PhDs, was created with the aim of being an innovation space from which senior and junior researchers from around the world develop disruptive technologies and business models that will serve as an engine of socioeconomic growth in the medium and long term”.

The center’s lines of research are Artificial Intelligence, Quantum, Biotechnology and Robotics, and since its start-up in 2020, major scientific advances have been achieved, including 12 patents, the transfer of technology to other units of the group and the start-up of 1 spin-out and another two coming soon in 2024.

In addition, during this visit, the president held a meeting with the management team, in which she was able to learn first-hand about one of the most important projects led by the center: QCIRCLE.

QCIRCLE is a project promoted by the European Union to which ARQUIMEA Research Center was awarded at the end of 2022 due to its solid experience as an autonomous center, it’s multiple research disciplines and it’s model of accelerating R&D to the market.

The purpose of the project is to create an international Center of Excellence in quantum which will involve the mobilization of the ecosystem and the Canary Islands technology industry, including the involvement of scientific institutions of international relevance such as PLOCAN, ITER, IAC and ITC and the universities ULL and ULPGC.

In addition, over the six-year duration of the project, QCIRCLE is expected to generate more than 50 direct jobs and more than 150 indirect jobs, one PhD or Master’s program, and one spin-out per year, among others. In this way, the project co-financed by the European Union’s Widening program and managed by the European Research Executive Agency will attract and retain the best talent and increase the intellectual property generated in the Canary Islands.

The project will be supported by the so-called Advanced Partners, which are some of the main players in quantum technology at the European level, including CSIC and its quantum platform QTEP (Spain), the University of ULM and it’s Institute for Quantum Optics (Germany), the UK Quantum Technology Hub Sensors and Timing (UK) and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria).

Another of the projects that the president was able to learn about during her visit to the ARQUIMEA center was CanarySat.

CanarySat consists of the creation of a canary company that will manage and operate its own fleet of satellites and provide related services to other satellite operators and telecommunications providers. CanarySat will provide premium connectivity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any point in Tenerife and the rest of the Canary Islands.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

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