QCIRCLE participates in the third edition of Teaming Club in Novi Sad, Serbia

October 31, 2024

The 3rd Teaming Club Conference, held October 9-11, 2024 in Novi Sad (Serbia), brought together leading Centers of Excellence (COE) that have been established through the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Teaming calls across Europe and among which is QCIRCLE, a project led by ARQUIMEA Research Center.

Organized by the BioSense Institute in Novi Sad, the conference focused on key research areas such as materials science, digital innovation, biotechnology and healthcare. Through sessions on research infrastructure development and sustainability, this international event sought to foster collaboration between the different Teaming Centers.

QCIRCLE was represented by Sergio Capitán, manager of ARQUIMEA Research Center, and Alberto Mora, head of project management. In addition to participating in the various organized debates, ARQUIMEA Research Center had the opportunity to present the center in a panel dedicated to quantum technologies.

Networking sessions and roundtable discussions addressed topics such as strengthening industrial collaboration, balance in R&D, sharing experiences from completed Teaming projects, and the role of national governments in providing additional funding to ensure the sustainability of established COEs and others.

From ARQUIMEA Research Center we would like to express our gratitude to the organizers, participants and speakers of the conference. Their dedication and commitment to research and innovation are fundamental for the success of collaborations such as the QCIRCLE project.

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