ARQUIMEA presents its robotics project “PULSAR HRI” at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, held in Japan

May 15, 2024

Pacifico, Yokohama. 15th May 2024


“PULSAR HRI” is a robotics project that ARQUIMEA has developed from its ARQUIMEA Research Center and presented for the first time at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Pacifico, Yokohama. The goal of “PULSAR HRI” is to provide the absolute best performance in motors and actuators, defining performance with novel metrics including agility, torque, and efficiency.

This range of motors and actuators provides the most agile, efficient and highest torque QDD motors and actuators for robotic applications. Their product range includes P-Series motors that are designed to not only produce the highest torque density, but to provide it for longer, allowing up to 25% duty cycle time at maximum torque.

“PULSAR HRI” has also developed a digital twin that allows thousands of design possibilities to be explored and provides the absolute best performance for dynamic scenarios.

Estos actuadores proporcionan un equilibrio de actuación perfecto, con la dinámica de un accionamiento directo y la densidad de par de los actuadores de alta relación de transmisión (normalmente accionamiento armónico).

These actuators provide a perfect actuation balance, with the dynamics of a direct drive and the torque density of high ratio actuators (usually harmonic drive).

For ARQUIMEA, presenting “PULSAR HRI” in such an important fair as ICRA has been an extraordinary opportunity, where the project leaders have been able to establish contacts with other industry leaders, potential customers and universities from all over the world. In the words of Miguel López Estévez, co-founder of “PULSAR HRI”: “Current robotics still has serious limitations in terms of the dynamic behavior of its hardware, it is necessary to develop new actuators with the ability to behave with great agility and efficiency and this is what ‘PULSAR HRI’ has come to present at the best fair in the world in robotics”.


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