ARQUIMEA participates in the 2024 Edition of the International Summer School on Terahertz Technologies and Applications in Vilnius, Lithuania.

July 23, 2024

Last Friday concluded the 2024 edition of the International Summer School on Terahertz Technologies and Applications, held in Vilnius (Lithuania). ARQUIMEA Research Center, through the QCIRCLE project, has been one of the sponsors of the event, with the participation of several of our researchers, the General Manager Rubén Criado and the awarding of prizes to the best projects of this edition.

During the six days of this summer school, students, professors and more than 25 internationally renowned experts had the opportunity to share experiences, innovative ideas and advanced knowledge in the field of terahertz technology.

Rubén Criado, General Manager of the ARQUIMEA Research Center, gave a speech in which he emphasized the importance of the market transfer in the development of technologies. In addition, Borja Jerez, principal researcher of the Quantum orbital was part of the awards ceremony. On this occasion, QCIRCLE sponsored the award given to the team that presented one of the most promising projects.

From ARQUIMEA’s research center, we would like to convey our gratitude to the organisation of this International Summer School as well as our continuous commitment to innovation and the support of new talents. These events are an extraordinary forum for the exchange of information and the promotion of collaborations between different actors in the sector, as well as to promote technological progress and strengthen collaboration between academia and industry, and ARQUIMEA is proud to be part of it.



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