MOLEFY is a spin-off from ARQUIMEA dedicated to seeking a cure for Amyotrophic lateral  sclerosis (ALS, or ELA in Spanish). ALS is a debilitating neurodegenerative condition characterized by the progressive muscle control loss, for which there is currently no effective treatment.

Despite its low incidence, ALS poses significant challenges to healthcare systems due to the extensive medical care required to support affected individuals. This often results in significant healthcare costs, currently exceeding $650 billion annually in medical expenses and economic losses.


Our goal

Seeking a cure for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Although the exact etiology and pathophysiology of ALS remain unknown, TDP-43 has been identified as a key hallmark of the disease. To tackle the urgent need for an effective treatment, MOLEFY is developing a small molecule called AP-2. This promising drug candidate aims to prevent motor neuron death by reversing the pathogenic changes of TDP-43.

AP-2 can cross all brain barriers and has demonstrated promising results in recent preclinical trials involving different animal models. These studies showed that blocking the abnormal behavior of TDP-43 not only relieves ALS symptoms but also reverses disease progression.

MOLEFY - Seeking a cure for ALS


Promising pharmacological safety

MOLEFY’s approach is supported by encouraging data from both animal and patient-based cellular models. AP-2 has demonstrated effectiveness and favorable pharmacological safety profile in rodent and non-rodent animal models. Our goal is to gather all necessary information to start human clinical trials by 2025.


Ready to establish strategic partnerships

One of MOLEFY‘s main goals for 2024 is to secure a funding round to accelerate the clinical trial development of its most promising molecule (AP-2), aiming to start these trials in 2025. Currently, €1.5 million is needed to develop phase I of the trials, and additional investment will be required for phases II and III.

We have assembled a talented team of scientists and clinicians committed to advancing ALS research and developing effective treatments. With robust intellectual property protection, we are well-positioned to scale up our operations and bring our molecule to market.




First results

First IN VITRO / IN VIVO promising results



Finishing preclinical studies.


Clinical Phase I

Funding needed: 1.5M$


Clinical Phase II

Regulatory preclinical studies.


Clinical Phase III

Molecule licesing to Pharma.



Patent resets for 10 years (Orphan Drug)

The billion-dollar problem

650 M$
Neurodegenerative Disease Costs
ALS growth in the USA by 2040
ALS growth in China by 2040
ALS growth in the EU by 2040


Hand in hand with AI

Additionally, we are developing an AI-driven framework to generate predictive models that analyze the complex relationships between molecular structures, biochemical characteristics, and pharmacological properties of our drug candidate.

This approach holds significant promise for accelerating and enhancing the precision of designing and developing novel molecules for pharmacological applications. By increasing the likelihood of bringing innovative and effective therapies to market, ultimately benefiting patients worldwide.