Renewable energies, an assessment of farming waste project.

Agricultural sustainability

At ARQUIMEA Agrotech we are developing a microbial fuel cell that will enable the simultaneous production of hydrogen and electricity from agricultural waste in the future.

  • 45% Percentage of greenhouse gas emissions to be avoided by 2030 to avoid catastrophic warming
  • 1% Percentage of greenhouse gas emission reductions that current efforts will deliver
  • 69% Of primary energy will be solar by 2050


Agricultural waste, an opportunity for generating clean energy

Despite the efforts of those in charge of livestock exports, the management of the waste generated continues to pose a challenge due to its high environmental impact.

At ARQUIMEA Agrotech we are committed to microbial fuel cells (MFC) as the technological basis for the development of a new generation of solar panels, which could contribute to solving two of the most critical problems facing society today: the energy crisis and the availability of clean water.


Solar panels based on microbial fuel cells

The development of a photo-microbial solar panel based on microbial fuel cell technologies will yield clean energy, producing electricity and hydrogen from solar energy and atmospheric CO2.



  • Production of hydrogen and electricity
  • Reduction of the environmental impact of farming operations
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