
Software development is present in all ARQUIMEA’s fields of activity. We apply it in all our sectors to achieve maximum efficiency and customization in each of the processes in which we operate.

Web application development

We achieve maximum customization for our clients

We develop web applications for other subsidiaries of the group as well as for external clients. These applications are one of our main elements of differentiation since they are developed ad hoc according to the needs of the business, achieving high levels of customization.

In recent years we have developed more than ten applications, many of them being key to the success of companies such as Healthcare or Kaudal.

The Covid19 management, sampling and reporting platform has provided and continues to provide services to clients, laboratories, airports, etc., having performed more than 1 million Covid analyses. Currently, we have adapted to continue providing service with other types of analysis (clinical, STD, genetic, etc.)

The web application for statistical monitoring of the temperature sensors of the Yebes Radio Telescope, as well as the web application for the conversion of NERF-NVol models (from for Unreal Engine are other examples of web applications that we have developed within ARQUIMEA and that demonstrate the versatility of our services.

About software engineering

Programming languages mastered
Applications for international use
We sell our programs to countries all over the world.
Our developers are present in all areas of the company

Image analysis, machine learning and neural networks

More than ten applications developed in five years.

We make developments with image analysis, machine learning and neural networks, for different business sectors: biotechnology, sports, drones and Fintech, among others.

In the last five years we have developed more than ten applications with this technology. Our methods mix image análisis with machine learning and neural networks, improving the accuracy and performance of the applications. We have successful products in this área, such as the SQS to Isas devices for porcine semen analysis.

Desktop application design

We develop applications for clients all over the world.

We have extensive experience developing and evolving desktop applications. The typologies range from shot counters for mortars, ballistic calculators or applications to operate drones to developments for our Agrotech area.

Currently, we have more than twelve applications running and operating for customers around the world, especially in Europe and Asia.

Mobile application development

Proprietary applications for all our sectors

In ARQUIMEA we have years of experience developing mobile applications, from the Windows CE era, and evolving to the new native Android and hybrid applications with Ionic Framework.

We have developed a standalone ballistic calculator developed with Android technology. This product, called BCLite, is being used by several countries both inside and outside NATO on Android rugged devices.

In the health field, we have experience developing applications for the monitoring of elderly people, monitoring of vital signs, fall detection, indoor location, etc.

For the sports world we have developed applications that track and control training for disciplines such as tennis, which unified with the part of Artificial Intelligence, allow users to record their game mode, strokes, movements, etc.

Development of applications for embedded devices

Experts in biotechnology applications

Our professionals specialized in software work hand in hand with the product development teams to complement the necessary functionalities, because we consider essential to be present in all the creation phases of our products.

In the last 4 years we have focused on application for devices in the swine biotechnology field.

However, we also develop applications, algorithms and plugins to manage robots and cobots. In our portfolio, we have, for example, a Universal Robots © sanding arm that stands any type of surface regardless of its geometry, and graphically plan the path to be taken in each pass.

We deliver complete products, with software to control them designed by ourselves. The robotic arms are delivered with the necessary hardware and software to incorporate themo into any assembly line or to be used independently.

We also have experience in IoT developing software for limited devices: ESP32, Pi Zero, Raspberry Pi, etc., for indoor location and beaconing, sensor management, etc.

Command and Control Software

Our Command and Control applications ensure the accuracy of the information and allow you to see the scenario in real time.

The objective of ARQUIMEA’s Command and Control developments is to help manage the work of a large number of resources and achieve objectives in the most agile and precise way.

In this sense, our programs include representations through Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which guarantee the accuracy of the information and allow you to see the scenario in real time.

Our projects include TECHFIRE: a command and control system for mortars and artillery consisting of several distributed elements that communicate with each other via data radios. This system has already been sold in eight countries, five of them belonging to NATO.

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